Drama Library Blocks Reference

The course library is a common set of Snap blocks used across many of the exercises. They will likely be useful for student projects as well as example code for highlighting programming techniques. This library is built using the standard Snap blocks described on the Standard Snap Blocks Reference page and follows the same conventions.

Summary of Library

Library Palette Color Shape Name Arguments Notes
Drama Motion blue tabbed drive Finch and record into [] recording-list records keyboard-controlled motions and appends action lists to the given recording list
Drama Motion blue tabbed play Finch action [] action-list performs a single action specified as a list of values
Drama Motion blue tabbed play action "" from library [] action-name, action-library plays a named sequence
Drama Looks purple tabbed drive LEDs and record into [] recording-list records keyboard-controlled lighting and appends action lists to the given recording list
Drama Sound magenta tabbed drive buzzer and record into [] recording-list records keyboard-controlled musical notes to the given recording list
Drama Sound magenta tabbed Finch buzz MIDI note # for # beats integer-note,number-of-beats plays a musical note
Drama Sensing cyan oval current time   returns the absolute (epoch) time in seconds
Drama Variables red hexagon null? * value returns true if value is equivalent to empty
Drama Variables red oval find value for * in a-list [] key,association-list looks up value for key
Drama Variables red oval find record for key * in a-list [] key,association-list looks up key-value list for key
Drama Variables red tabbed set value * for key * in a-list [] value,key,association-list sets value for key
Drama Variables red C-shaped for each &key &value of a-list [] key-var,value-var,association-list iterates over keys and values
Drama Variables red oval text -> action library "" string parses actions from readable text into library list
Drama Variables red oval action library -> text [] action-library print out library into readable text
Drama Variables orange oval descriptor for server "" channel * server-name,channel-name create a new server-descriptor
Drama Variables orange oval send message list [] via server [] message-list, server-descriptor sends key-value updates to a server and returns the parsed response
Drama Variables orange oval poll server [] server-descriptor fetch the current key-value set from a server channel
Drama Variables orange oval clock skew for server [] server-descriptor access the clock skew field
Drama Variables orange oval send cue * with # seconds delay cue-value,seconds-value send a cue message scheduled in the future

Detailed Documentation

This section includes usage documentation and design discussion for the library blocks.

Data Structures and Special Values

All data structures in Snap are built from lists and atomic values such as integer, text, Boolean, or procedure. So different ‘types’ in most cases are really usage conventions.

An association list is a list of two-element lists, each containing a key and a value, with each key appearing no more than once. It implements a dictionary or associative memory, mapping keys to values. [1]
An action list is a variable-length list used to represent a single output to the robot with an optional duration.
A list of action-lists, representing a time-series of outputs to the robot.
An association list mapping action names to recording lists. The recording lists may also include a special call * action to allow one action sequence to include another.
A list encapsulating all the state for a server channel: the URL, channel (namespace) identifier, estimated clock skew, most recently transmitted query, and most recently received response.
An empty value distinct from any other value, conceptually representing ‘None’. This value can be returned using a report operator with no value. It is not the same as an empty list. The is * identical to * ? operator reports it as identical to an empty box. The is * a &? operator reports true for number, and the length of "" operator reports zero. The library provides null? * to test for this value.
[1]An association list value can be a list, but since improper lists (dotted pairs) are not supported, each entry still has only two elements, the second of which is a list.

Association Lists

null? *
Returns true if the value is equivalent to an empty value, else false.
find value for * in a-list []
Search the association list for the given key. Returns just the value, or null if not found.
find record for key * in a-list []
Search the association list for the given key. Returns the [key, value] list, or null if not found.
set value * for key * in a-list []
Replace the value for the given key in the association list, adding it if not present.
for each &key &value of a-list []
Iterate over each [key, value] pair in the association list, calling the procedure in the body of the C-shaped block with the local variables set to a key and a value.

Driving and Recording

drive Finch and record into [] Runs keyboard-driving interface, recording an action-list for each change of output into an existing list.

The list may be empty to begin, but must exist in order to be modified. If no list is provided, then the block just runs the teleoperation interface without recording. The default key bindings are as follows. Note that the movement keys superimpose; pressing the right arrow while holding down the up arrow creates a curving arc.

key action
up forward
down reverse
left turn CCW in place
right turn CW in place
1 set 25% speed
2 set 50% speed
3 set 75% speed
4 set 100% speed
x exit driving teleoperation loop
drive LEDs and record into []
Runs keyboard-controlled lighting interface, recording events into the given recording list.
drive buzzer and record into []
Runs musical keyboard interface, playing notes on the Finch buzzer and recording events into the given recording list. The keyboard is sampled at a fraction of the current tempo so all notes are quantized according to the tempo.


Finch buzz MIDI note # for # beats
Play a musical note of a given duration on the Finch buzzer. Note that the underlying primitive accepts a duration in milliseconds, so this block computes the duration from beats using the current global tempo setting. The note length is implemented on the Finch itself; this block does not execute any delay, but returns immediately. The note is specified as a standard MIDI note integer. Each integer value represents a musical half-step, so for example, middle-C is 60, C# is 61, the tuning A (440Hz) is 69, and the C an octave above middle C is 72.

Action Libraries

play Finch action []
Interpret and perform a single action represented as an action-list, including delay for duration. This may set the motor speed, change the LED color, or play a note on the buzzer.
play action "" from library []
Play a named action sequence from the given action library. The special call action is allowed to recursively invoke other actions from the same library, so this can be used to create a hierarchy of script sequences. Care should be taken to avoid recursive calls since there are no conditionals to end recursion.
action library -> text []
Print an action library into a text form. This allows a readable script to be saved in a text variable and exported to an external file. Returns a string.
text -> action library ""
Parse a text representation of an action library and returns an action library.


The communications server supports sharing sets of key and value pairs on a number of distinct channels or namespaces. The networking functions use a server-descriptor (see Data Structures and Special Values) to encapsulate all the state for a connection to simplify the interface for sending and receiving messages. Messages are sets of key-value pairs, i.e., a message is an association list.

descriptor for server "" channel *
Create a new descriptor object given a server hostname and a namespace identifier. All robots in the same performance group will need to specify the same channel name. It is recommended to use your own channel name to avoid crosstalk with other groups.
poll server []
Fetch the current state of a server channel as an association list.
send message list [] via server []
Send an association list of key-value pairs to update the server state, returning an association list with the new state.
send cue * with # seconds delay
Send a message with next_cue and start_time fields to indicate an event in the future. The time is sent as an absolute timestamp measured against the server clock. This allows clients to adjust the command to their own local clocks using their individual skew estimations
clock skew for server []
Retrieve the clock skew estimate from the server descriptor. This represents the number of seconds by which the local time is ahead of the server time. If the value is negative, the local time is behind. This estimate is adjusted during each server transaction.

Utility Functions

current time
Returns the current local clock time in seconds to millisecond precision. This is ‘epoch’ time, the number of seconds since midnight of January 1, 1970.